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  • Cooee

Cooee Celebrates ‘Whale Month’ in June

To mark our 5year partnership with Whale, we celebrate ‘Whale Month’ this June here in Cooee. Highlighting this month-long celebration were back-to-back virtual events attended by both teams from both offices in the Philippines and Australia. It was with pride and honor that we commemorated this milestone as ‘One Team’ under the joint stewardship of Ryan Cummings and Kris Buckham.

Team Whale AU meets Team Whale Manila

This year’s virtual gathering does not only consist of a regular meet and greet but also included fun engagements and games as a celebration of our 5 years partnership with Whale. Ram Quintana and Crissy Malbas from the Whale Manila Team hosted the event which are attended by the Management Team, Operations and Finance Team at Whale HQ together with our Team in Makati office who attended via zoom.

Whale AU guests Cooee Connects #Untitled

On our Friday Cooee Connects, we are honoured to have three big people from Whale Logistics Australia in the hot seats on our #Untitled series – Ryan Cummings, Managing Director; Ryan Holt, Business Systems Manager; and Elaine Huang, Finance Manager. Kris Buckham who facilitated the talk about their personal journey, stories of transformation, goals for the future and their experience working with Filipinos.

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